Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Another one bites the poo: Emil Chronicle Malasya

As of September 27th of 2010, the Emil Chronicle of Malasya servers will be shut down. Here is the official announcement on their website. It shows that they even took their time to try and make the English sound somewhat coherent *sarcasm*:

"Dear《Emil Chronicle Online》players, Thanks for your constant support and love for 《Emil Chronicle Online》. Since the operation starting, all because of your encouragement and inspiration and extremely precious suggestions, that we manage to achieve 《Emil Chronicle Online》 today. In recalling of these days, the feverish battle, brilliant events and exciting global battlefield are all vivid in our eyes, with innumerous friends we made, enjoyment we shared. For the less participation in 《Emil Chronicle Online》, there is less interaction for players to keep up. Thus we are reluctant to put out running of 《Emil Chronicle Online》 on 27th, September,2010, the server will be suspended officially. first, September(Wednesday) .Suspend《Emil Chronicle Online》 service of Game Account Registry, Product Top-up and Game Points Locating functions,etc 8th, September(Wednesday) .With our company operating game sincerely, all 《Emil Chronicle Online》 game point will transfer back to Runs point. Every player transfers [Instant Application] account to Runup account in September. 7 please, otherwise we will not reply Runup points to you. 27th, September(Monday) .Live server of《Emil Chronicle Online》Malaysia and Singapore will be closed officially at 10:00 on 27th, September, 2010. Even though 《Emil Chronicle Online》 is going to have suspension, Runup will never stop its pacing. We will dedicate fine quality games to you. Runup will donate expert operation techniques and diligent service for each player’s sake. May the 《Emil Chronicle Online》 operations team address our deepest gratitude and apology to our fondest players! 《Emil Chronicle Online》 Online Operation Team"

Yet another game that I used to play (last year) is shutting down. I'm not too disappointed though, the game certainly had a long lifespan and I bet a lot of people had fun playing it while it lasted. But with new online games coming out by the hundreds every year, the market is getting very competitive. Games that only survive because of a certain niche or fan base are prone to be shut down sooner or later. Don't be surprised if your favorite game from "back in the day" suddenly shuts down next.

On another note, some people suggest that since this game was originally developed by Gravity, it is rumored that maybe they decide to relaunch a server of their own.

That's it for this post guys, and for Emil Chronicle RUNUP as well.

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